The Savvy TRT

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The proliferation of online graduate degrees: Are they valued in the work environment?

So now that I am in a doctoral program that was touted as "blended learning" and seeing firsthand what that looks like, I wonder about the quality of totally online graduate programs. The program I'm in could do a little more leveraging of the technology to improve the learning and engagement amongst participants.

I teach online cont. Ed. Courses for teachers and realize it's just like our bricks and mortar counterparts: the student gets out of it what they put into it. I wonder if the online graduate degrees stand up to industry scrutiny?
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  • If you're wondering just how much it would cost to take a doctoral degree online, well, the costs don't differ much from onsite PhD programs in colleges. There is, nevertheless, a great deal of difference in terms of your expenditures as a student. Through an online doctoral degree, you will not have to worry about transportation costs. You also don't have to invest in your apartment. For more info, Read More

    By Blogger Unknown, at 10:44 AM  

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